Melanie Heuiser Hill ampersand


Melanie Heuiser Hill

Melanie Heuiser Hill ampersand


Melanie Heuiser Hill

See How They Grow!

Four of the eight giant pump­kin seeds we plant­ed actu­al­ly ger­mi­nat­ed (or hatched, as I like to think of it). They have grown at a fan­tas­tic rate these past sev­en­teen days.

May 1st—Seeds start­ed in their lit­tle incu­ba­tor in the laun­dry room.

May 5th— the pale green loops begin to appear! (Those lit­tle green things with two leaves—weeds!)

May 9th—the first true leaf appears—that’s the high­est leaf in the pic­ture below. (True leaves are the first leaves that are actu­al foliage, not the seed leaves or cotyle­don leaves.)

May 11th (TWO DAYS LATER!)— the four that have “hatched” are off to the races!

We had a gor­geous Moth­er’s Day week­end here in Min­neso­ta and so the plants stepped out to enjoy the sun. Kept them in their bin for a lit­tle wind protection—they’ve been cod­dled in the laun­dry room up until now, so they need to be gen­tly intro­duced to the vari­ables of being out­side. We’ve brought them in at night as the temps are still drop­ping into the 40’s and 50’s.

You can see how much they liked Real Sun! We were gone all day on Sat­ur­day, and when we got home their leaves were notice­ably larger.

And today (May 17th), they’re reach­ing up out of their bin! We have storms this week, so it’s a con­stant tak­ing them out, chas­ing the sun, bring­ing them in when the thun­der rolls. (It’s not unlike hav­ing a pet, I sup­pose.) We’ve got a good start on these—we want to con­trol what we can while we can!

Right now, the weath­er is fore­cast­ed to be rainy and stormy until Sun­day. So we’ll rotate them in and out of the bin so they can get used to a lit­tle wind dur­ing the sun­ny times for the next few days, and then get ’em in the ground this week­end! The pump­kin patch looks like a tulip waste­land right now, so a lit­tle work will need to be done in preparation.….

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