Melanie Heuiser Hill ampersand


Melanie Heuiser Hill

Melanie Heuiser Hill ampersand


Melanie Heuiser Hill

Ten Things You Might Not Know (or Guess) about Me

  1. I am six feet tall. I was 5’10” when I was ten.
  2. I love to swing dance, even though I’m pret­ty ter­ri­ble at it.
  3. I per­pet­u­al­ly read the Anne of Green Gables series—over and over again!
  4. In fourth grade I was select­ed as a young author from my school and attend­ed the Illi­nois State Young Author con­test. The title of my orig­i­nal book: Tales From My Blue Jeans.
  5. I write on a walk­ing-desk (I call it a Wesk). My hus­band built me a desk over a tread­mill and I walk while I write. I can also read on it. I can­not write with a pen/pencil on it—dangerous!
  6. These are things I like to do when I’m think­ing about what I’m writ­ing (but not actu­al­ly writ­ing): walk, swim, gar­den, knit, drive/ride in the car, nap.
  7. I know a lot about how to grow giant pump­kins, but they most­ly have to fend for them­selves in my gar­den. Grow­ing giant pump­kins is one of the things I enjoy doing bad­ly. Oth­er things I enjoy doing bad­ly: play­ing the ukulele, arrang­ing flow­ers, yoga.
  8. I love “dress­ing up” a table—the linens, the plates and sil­ver­ware and glass­es, flow­ers, candles—so much fun!
  9. I’ve always want­ed to play cel­lo. I still do not know how to play cello—maybe when I’m fifty.
  10. In ele­men­tary school I want­ed to be a sci­en­tist, a con­cert pianist, and a writer.
Melanie Heuiser Hill
Melanie Heuis­er Hill
(pho­to: Kather­ine Warde)